Friday, November 20, 2009

What I Learned From Presentations

A cool thing i learned about in these presentations was social bookmarking. I had not ever even heard about it before. It is an interesting concept and i can see how it would be useful to some people. The idea is that you can keep all of your bookmarks on a page accessable from any computer. So, all of your favorite websites or pages can be kept in an archive with easy access in case you need to bring one up from somewhere besides your own computer. I think the concept is neat and can see how it may be helpful to some people but i also think it might be a pain to log in all of the time and go to a whole separate page every time you want to bookmark something or retrieve a bookmark. I guess some of these sites have buttons you can press to just bookmark something quickly, but it still seems like a hastle to me. I think i would only use this if i used bookmarks a whole lot.

1 comment:

  1. Dylan: It's interesting that your topic - RSS feeds - serves as the framework behind the other tools like social bookmarking and social networks. Many teens use social network sites to meet friends, but it's interesting that people can connect over the bookmarks they share. It opens up new ways for people to connect and collaborate. The skill of collaborating is a vital skill in our world.
